Connect with your customers
Steppe 2 although a recent venture, was set up to grow quickly and we invested heavily in our own dedicated business administration and business development teams, plus directorship of 25+ years experience. Steppe 2 will be managing clients and agency partnerships for the UK and Europe, with growth goals to have presence in France and Germany in the next 18 months.
To accelerate our huge goals and predicted impact, we have adopted a hybrid business model that involves opening Steppe 2-owned locations across the UK and partnering with smaller sister agencies that have already shown interest in collaborating with us. We aim to build trusting relationships with these agencies, which we believe can help us achieve faster growth and wider reach. These agencies get the ability to scale faster utilising our infrastructure for back-end support, whilst leveraging the hundreds of millions in client budget we have the ability to outsource. All we ask is that they pass our vetting to ensure their teams are trained and correctly employed to protect our portfolio. The international impact for your brand we can offer through our Steppe 2 teams and leveraging our network of sister agencies is soon to be unrivaled.
The Steppe 2 Promises
To Clients
As stated in our core values, we will never risk brand reputation in the name of sales. We are looking to build a long term business with long term partners. Every company needs to grow market share, yet so few if any outsourced options exist with our reputation for delivering both quality and quantity. Put your brand in safe hands.
To Our Team
We have a bottom up approach, meaning if we look after our teams then growth will almost certainly take care of itself. Read more in our careers page, but our culture can be encapsulated in three words: Happy and Productive.
We place people in the right roles, working the right hours and with the right level of responsibility to allow them to meet their personal and professional goals. Often the workplace has trained people to turn up and ask ‘What do I need to do?” We are looking to build the confidence to embrace choice, and own what you do so instead we can flip the question to “What Do You Want To Do?”
This is reflected in our commitment to internal promotion first. We enjoy training leaders and watching individuals grow.
This is also reflected in our contracts and compensation plans. Where many sales and marketing companies have their ground level teams eat last hence turnover of staff and the large fail rate in the sector, at Steppe 2 our people eat first. Our hybrid structures offer competitive guarantees with uncapped commissions, or profit share schemes, depending on roles being sales or management. Come to work with security, but come to push with amazing incentive to do so.
Our Growth Model
The business of offline and in person experience marketing means we need to be able to offer penetration in ever larger geographic areas. This can only be achieved by having great leaders able to manage teams, territories and budgets. Steppe 2 grows internationally in two ways.
Internal Growth
The first is our Partner Programme, where internally we train the brightest and hardest working talent in our group to Partner positions where they have a stake in the business and autonomy for a client and/or region. Those with hunger but lacking experience may take 1-2 years, whilst management experience can expedite the process to less than a year.
External Growth
Secondly we Partner with individuals already running their own agency, but who might benefit from the infrastructure or budgets Steppe 2 can provide. They retain full control of their business and help the Steppe 2 network grow. The more feet on the ground in a sales capacity the greater our impact for clients who have no issues supplying budget but would not normally outsource to a smaller agency.
Core Values
As we grow we are guided in decision making and actions by the core values about which we are unbending

Treating people and clients with honesty and respect is paramount. Personal profit, a sale or promotion can never supercede that.

The old adage of two ears and one mouth applies to how we do business. People want and need to be heard, and we will always endeavor to do so. Don’t overtalk, don’t guess the issue. Again, respect is key.

Our decisions around campaigns, growth, finance or internal policy will always have to pass the basic test: will this improve the opportunity and culture at Steppe 2?

As we employ, and as we are employed; as we talk to millions of people each year face to face and as they talk back; we want to remember that these are not just clients and customers, these are humans and communities that we can have a hand in growing.